Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Precious Pumpkin Fairy Houses Just Arrived

Lisa has just dropped off several pumpkin fairy houses and other enchanted fairy scaled tableaux. Haven't had a chance to photo, but if you are a fan of miniatures or fairies, you will be charmed! And if you are a frugal shopper, I think these are amazingly priced...Lisa is planning a move west, and doesn't want to haul inventory...come check these out!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dressing table, antique desk, chalkboards, dogbeds, the little one's a salesman sample

pink glass lamp with custom shade, pink chic dressing table and poodle prints...and oh, so much more!

September Edition

In our September edition of Nest Feathers Boutique, we feature the work of nine artists, including everything from funky jewelry, by Marci Halfmann to fine watercolors, by Lisa Spencer. Cindy Heimerl has her contemporary paintings on display. Maureen Carlson (a rock-star of the polymer clay industry) has a couple of original pieces here, Melody Villars shows a few clay sculptures, along with her intricate collage cards, and Jane Lundgren has four raku-fired wall masks. T.C. Fogarty, retired dairy farmer-turned-wood crafter has several pieces for sale, and you can custom order almost anything from him. Together he and I have created a bunch of children's pieces, some ready to go, some built to order. And as always, we offer the music of Wilson Quinche and friends, to fill your home with the cheerful and soothing sounds of bamboo and cedar flutes.

Deb Fahey and Sherry Willard have stocked the front porch with vintage kitsch, and added some nice antique pieces to the mix inside. Sherry also found a couple of sweet dressing tables, which I helped her paint and skirt, and a dresser whose missing mirror we've replaced with a combination mirror and upholstered bulletin board. I also altered a few old pieces of furniture to make cool dog beds, and created coordinated jars for the all-important dog treats.

Our make-&-take this month is painted glassware and tile coasters. The price is $5 per piece, or bring your own glasses and pay only $1 per piece. The French enamels I use are also great on white or light colored ceramic pieces, like plain plates and mugs. This might be a good time to start some Christmas presents, or if you have a child tagging along with you, a chance to do a fun project together.

Because I am taking a class at Maureen Carlson's on Saturday, Sherry will be tending the shop, and there won't be a demo or class here. Plan ahead for next month's class, though! Lisa Spencer will teach you how to make enchanted pumpkin fairy dwellings. If you see a Funkin (carvable foam pumpkins) on sale or at a garage sale, grab it and watch for all the info in an upcoming post.

If it seems too far to drive for just our little shop, remember, we can direct you to several shops open in Carver and Chaska the same days we are, as well as antique and gift stores in Jordan, Emma Krumbee's scarecrow festival and Jim's Apple Barn on the highway, and several good restaurants. Duets is just a few doors down, if you want really good soup, sandwiches & coffee, and don't pass over Suzette, on 169 between Jordan and Belle Plaine, if you want something more gourmet. Trust me, exterior in no way reflects the fine quality of the food you will find inside!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More Info to Come

This blog will be up and running soon. Nest Feathers is a once a month boutique, located in Belle Plaine, MN. We feature vintage and antique treasures, restyled and upcycled furnishings, and fine and funky art from eight artists. Our next open dates are September 17-19 and 24-26. Yes, that's twice a glitch is your gain.

We are open the same weekend as other nearby occasional stores, such as Mustard Moon, Seasons in Carver, The Nature of It, Linda's Cellar, The Country Cottage, and many more. We are however a little different than these shops in that we strive to create an atmosphere of having just walked into your favorite decorating magazine.

We not only have fun things to purchase, we have easy crafts to try at a very minimal cost, and a more involved demo or class on Saturday. Also, each month I choose a recipe from a recent magazine, and make it for all to sample. No, we don't sell food, we just think it's fun to offer something different than the usual grocery store cookies. We're all about creative living, and we hope to inspire you to try the things you always intend to, but too often put off.

I'll pop back on here in a few days with pictures and info on upcoming classes. In the meantime, check out my other blog, It's been a bit neglected since we started Nest Feathers, but it will give you an idea of what I do when I'm not arranging newly arrived merchandise in what used to be my living room.

Live Juicy!
